The road home

The days have flown by and alas, it's time to head for home.
We woke just after 6 am with the intent of arriving early, just in case our best laid plans should go astray. LOL
You just never know when you might need to look for a gas station or even where to return the rental car. Lots of things to stress about ..... sigh..... traffic jams perhaps!  But mercifully, perhaps because it was Saturday, the drive went smoothly and happily the car return went well.  Poor Ann wasn't stressed when we left our motel, but perhaps after trying to calm "me" down, she may have been been by the time we boarded the plane. 
Our flight to Toronto was was great. It was a larger plane and smooth so Ann was glued to the window to enjoy the experience. The flight from Toronto to Ottawa was another story. It was a small propeller plane. You could truly feel the plane banking, climbing and every air pocket for the entire hour we were in the air.  I was just a bit queasy but poor Ann got really quiet and pale. The concensus in the end was not for the propeller plane!, trust me!
We arrived in Ottawa finally at 10 pm., tired but happy to see Nicole. 
We were looking out at the night sky and wondering why it was dark, 10 pm in Ottawa, but only 7 pm in Vancouver, is this jet lag? 
Nite all!


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